"lessons in which students think together" as a matter of course.

New learning, for all teachers and children. Learning Cloud for Elementary and Junior High Schools
We would like to do our utmost to support teachers and children so that all children can open up a future that is changing at an accelerating pace. In order to enable children to share their opinions at school, come into contact with diverse perspectives and ways of thinking, and enjoy learning together. SMILE NEXT provides a learning environment where ICT can be utilized in everyday life, including digital notebooks that can be co-edited, educational materials such as study guidance plans, programming, information ethics, and a system for centrally managing learning activities.

Track record accumulated over 20 years of focusing on "what teachers and children can actually continue to use every day"
Since the release in 1999 of "Ichitaro Smile", the Japanese word processor software for elementary schools, JustSystems has continued to provide the learning software necessary for children to open the way to their future while always responding to feedback from teachers.
We developed "SMILE NEXT" that facilitates the use of ICT on a daily basis by utilizing knowledge we gained from over 20 years of developing software that all teachers and children would keep using intuitively every day and become absorbed in.

Repeated empirical research at schools, in order to develop a mechanism that can be tailored to each individual
While developing SMILE NEXT, our focus is not limited to easy-to-use operability for everyone and high performance. While repeating empirical research at schools, we have implemented a mechanism that enables each individual to engage in learning activities suited to him/her.
Not only can you identify students who are having learning problems, but you can also check their thinking processes when they work with intermediate formulas and written calculations to enable you to provide more detailed individual guidance than ever before. In addition, it is equipped with study guidance plans and worksheets so that even teachers who are unfamiliar with ICT can freely incorporate ICT into their teaching plans, thereby improving the teachers' teaching ability through the utilization of ICT.
Acquiring knowledge from daily lessons that will be useful in the future
The environment surrounding children has changed dramatically, and the learning required for school education keeps changing. Give children the power to face, think, and overcome challenges that have never been experienced by adults. Provide the learning necessary to be ready for that. SMILE NEXT will continue to support children, who will play major roles in the future, and teachers.

Product Details

A learning cloud for elementary and junior high schools, which contains software and educational materials in one package necessary to enable children to learn proactively, interactively, and deeply. It provides a learning environment suitable for one student using one tablet, and activities such as drill learning, collaborative learning, and programming education. It also supports the development of information utilization abilities of children, who will play major roles in the next generation.